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Penalties Crew Championship 2022

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Cc 22 - Division 4 - League 2 - Round 4

Luis charrua (SCE) buy a player for other Manager

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Renato Amorim has reacted to this post.
Renato Amorim

Liga criada errada

League 2 - Division 3/4

Treinador Infrator: Emmanuel Lpz

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  • IMG-20220920-WA0012.jpg
Gabi Umpierrez and BUBU_SETTETE have reacted to this post.
Gabi UmpierrezBUBU_SETTETE

Div2 Liga2

MontellaValero (The Rebels' Yell) bought a player before 1st simulation sells.

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  • Screenshot_20220920_181837.jpg
Renato Amorim has reacted to this post.
Renato Amorim
Steaua4ever_79 (RO MANIA)

Mala elección de equipo!

Manager denunciado: Freitas696

Grupo: Sintra Crew Evolutions

Le tocaba elegir: Pacific FC

Eligio: Valour FC



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Renato Amorim and BUBU_SETTETE have reacted to this post.

Division 7, League 4


Damian Guerra 11 (INTOXICADOS)

nuno bento_2 (BLACK PANTHER OSM)

buy players before the first simulation


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  • IMG-20220920-WA0026.jpg
Renato Amorim has reacted to this post.
Renato Amorim
Citação de Victor Lago em 20 de setembro de 2022, 12:18

Liga criada errada

League 2 - Division 3/4

Treinador Infrator: Emmanuel Lpz

Como você vai denunciar uma liga mal criada se nenhum convite foi enviado dessa liga? a liga correta foi criada em tempo hábil! veja bem o que você denuncia, não é denunciar por denunciar!

Renato Amorim has reacted to this post.
Renato Amorim

Division 6 - Group B - L4

The manager F1GO 67 is not in the original Crew to which he was aligned at the beginning

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  • IMG_20220928_024133.jpg
Renato Amorim has reacted to this post.
Renato Amorim

C.C 22 - FINAL - DIV 2 - L4

3 Instant sales

Crew: Polish Legends

Player: borynos

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  • IMG-20221101-WA0009.jpg
Renato Amorim has reacted to this post.
Renato Amorim

C.C 22 - FINAL - DIV 2 - L4

3 Instant sales

Crew: Polish Legends

Player: borynos

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  • IMG-20221101-WA0008.jpg
  • IMG-20221101-WA0007.jpg
Renato Amorim has reacted to this post.
Renato Amorim

CC22 - FINAL - D1/4 - LIGA 4



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  • Screenshot_20221104-102215_OSM.jpg
Renato Amorim has reacted to this post.
Renato Amorim
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