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Penalties Crew Championship 2022

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Posting of C.C 2022 Penalties

Division 6 - group B

Penalties for the group The Special Forve

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  • IMG-20220512-WA0031.jpg
Renato Amorim has reacted to this post.
Renato Amorim

division 4

league 2

the LEAGUE is not created

6:08 PM italy time

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  • 59C9072E-0730-489A-A6E5-6C63F65DF1D8.jpeg
Renato Amorim has reacted to this post.
Renato Amorim

CC22 - Division 8 - League 2

Manager  vasco7_4 (Master Invictus Juniores) with the team Garena Young Lions bought a player from Transfer List BEfORE the 1st sales simulation.

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  • WhatsApp-Image-2022-05-12-at-17.24.10.jpeg
Renato Amorim has reacted to this post.
Renato Amorim

Division 5

League 1


The LEAGUE is not created

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  • cc.png
Renato Amorim has reacted to this post.
Renato Amorim

División 3 Liga 1

El manager mitto cesar no le envió la invitación a mi manager Alejandro Maygua.

Horario de la foto: Bolivia

Pasadas 3hs desde la captura de las fotos aún no le envía invitación a mi manager y tampoco le acepta la petición de entrar.


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  • IMG-20220512-WA0042.jpg
  • IMG-20220512-WA0041.jpg

Division 6 - group B

Istant sales (the special force)

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  • IMG-20220512-WA0069.jpg
Renato Amorim has reacted to this post.
Renato Amorim

No invitation sent to iheb tunis 2002 and the league is not yet created by Sapiumbelan

LEAGUE NAME - C.C 22 - R1 - DIV 5 - L 1

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  • IMG-20220512-WA0052.jpg
Renato Amorim has reacted to this post.
Renato Amorim

division 6

istant sales

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  • WhatsApp-Image-2022-05-13-at-18.56.49.jpeg
Renato Amorim has reacted to this post.
Renato Amorim

Division 6

Istant sales

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  • IMG-20220516-WA0016.jpg
  • IMG-20220515-WA0071.jpg
Renato Amorim has reacted to this post.
Renato Amorim
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