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Penalties Crew Championship 2022

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Division 5 - League 2 - Missing manager: Rentao98


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Mohammed ALRajhi and Renato Amorim have reacted to this post.
Mohammed ALRajhiRenato Amorim

Division 5 - League 1 - Missing manager (Tampines Rover): herp VS you dont say

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Renato Amorim and Darboz Le69enD have reacted to this post.
Renato AmorimDarboz Le69enD

Division 5 - League 4 - Missing manager (Balestier Khalsa): Marielson 1s


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Renato Amorim and Darboz Le69enD have reacted to this post.
Renato AmorimDarboz Le69enD

Division 6  - League 3

Manager srar_8_ of Crew THE CHAMOS TEAM

made 2 instant sales, where it is not allowed


Istant sales division 6

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  • IMG-20220518-WA0071.jpg
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Renato Amorim has reacted to this post.
Renato Amorim

Istant sales

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Renato Amorim has reacted to this post.
Renato Amorim
Quote from Fabio Power on May 16, 2022, 12:36 pm

Division 5 - League 2 - Missing manager: Rentao98


This is not a penalty, invitation was sent to him from the first seconds of league creation, and evidence was sent to the competition organizer.

Renato Amorim has reacted to this post.
Renato Amorim

Div 5 - Liga 4


Instant sales by heshamR7 (Scorpions)

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Renato Amorim has reacted to this post.
Renato Amorim
Coach : PARAHYANGAN CREW 🇮🇩 OSM Region Jawa Barat
Citação de Mohammed ALRajhi em 23 de maio de 2022, 00:35
Quote from Fabio Power on May 16, 2022, 12:36 pm

Division 5 - League 2 - Missing manager: Rentao98


This is not a penalty, invitation was sent to him from the first seconds of league creation, and evidence was sent to the competition organizer.

Hello my friend, it only generates a penalty if you decide to replace the manager, and if the manager posted in the alignment does not enter your score will be zero.

Sevo Organization

Div 5 - Liga 3

Instant sales by Mbah yus (LCR)

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  • IMG-20220524-WA0027.jpg
Renato Amorim has reacted to this post.
Renato Amorim
Coach : PARAHYANGAN CREW 🇮🇩 OSM Region Jawa Barat
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