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Renato Amorim
CRB 24/CNB 24 (CAMPEONATOS REGION …mane brito  / São Paulo / Sudeste Leia Mais
Resultados da partida de futebol …Alemanha: OberligaPreußen Münster II 2 - 1 GievenbeckOberachern 2 … Leia Mais
Edu Sena
CRB 24/CNB 24 (CAMPEONATOS REGION …Mister Senna da 17/Bahia/Nordeste Leia Mais
CRB 24/CNB 24 (CAMPEONATOS REGION …Lúcio Brasil / Paraiba / Nordeste Leia Mais

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This topic is exclusively for posting WCC 22/23 penalties

hello mate, someone made a mistake in the form of taking the wrong team from the godyn

the nickname is clenio alves 1 youtube from the godyn at group A
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  • Screenshot_20221011-220648.png
Renato Amorim has reacted to this post.
Renato Amorim

Time ON

error When Creation compensation and Time are activated, the league must be created again.


Group M

Crew Creator: THE 1ST


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  • IMG_20221011_185351_693.jpg
Renato Amorim has reacted to this post.
Renato Amorim

Time ON

error When Creation compensation and Time are activated, the league must be created again.

Laziale Indonesia Vs The Chamos Team

Group L

Crew Creator: Laziale Indonesia

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  • IMG-20221011-WA0012.jpg
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Renato Amorim

Hello! Jabulani vs The Golden Generation! The league has been created at 18:50 EET, 10 minutes before 19:00 limit.The first invitation sent to TGG was at 18:59.All invitations haven't been sent to our crew members.The league has coin timers ON!

Arquivos enviados:
  • IMG-20221011-WA0055.jpg
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Renato Amorim

GR O R1 - UOS vs GH2

Dihigalinha manager from GH2, send a friendly against opponent UoS

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  • Penalty.png
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Renato Amorim

Halo saudara saya mau melaporkan.

Manager TEAM RED VIPERS melakukan Persahabatan kepada rekan satu team saya.


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  • IMG-20221011-WA0039.jpg
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Renato Amorim

Group O Round 1 TFM VS MCS

Friendly -50 points

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  • Screenshot_20221011-211706_OSM.jpg
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Renato Amorim

WCC 22/23 GR-C R1 SOA ???? BJK

Sold fast  manajer name :ssjingb

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  • 560D8365-E9C3-49C9-8582-4D427FEF9E28.jpeg
Renato Amorim has reacted to this post.
Renato Amorim

Transfer between trainers
Clan: The Best Serbian Players
After the improper transfer, proceeded to benefit from 3 illegal transfers that unbalanced Fair Play.

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  • prueba.PNG
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Renato Amorim
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