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Penalties Crew Championship 24

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D4 L4

CB in GK position

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The manager "ivan зсу" no longer belongs to the crew "Дике Поле"...

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cdlgdhRifky Nuraditya

Outfield player (Reece James) in the GK position.

The coach in question is "Diki FC"

(Division 4, League 4)

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cdlgdh has reacted to this post.

Manager Ivan 3CY played without crew / Left the crew

Division 7 League 4

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Division 3 Liga 1

Piwmadridista17  - Team Red Vipers

Alinear jugador de campo en la porteria

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Division 4, League 4

Coach "ryanfakri" used a CB as GK

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Division 5: league 4.

create the league before the time stipulated by the organization.

Manager: Pinto Blue - Group Of Stars

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R3 - Division 5 - League 4

Особенный07 from crew RED BLUE WARRIORS

Chose the wrong team: Werder Bremen

Correct Team: Lecce


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  • CC2024-R3-Div5-L4.jpg
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Citação de nelson marani em 27 de julho de 2024, 11:23

Division 5: league 4.

create the league before the time stipulated by the organization.

Manager: Pinto Blue - Group Of Stars

Sorry, I created the league between 2 pm and 3 pm as informed by the organization

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ho scelto la BANDIERA sbagliata per creare il campionato. Simulazione Orario con ORA AMERICANA.

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