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Hello dear friends, this post was created exclusively to send images of the penalties that have been reported.

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Hi the crew Group of star created the Battle agianst Bandicoot Academy before the right time. They created between 14:00/15:00.

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cdlgdh has reacted to this post.

My Battle is 10 :  Ukraine Kyiv - Vedeta Team. Our competitor Vedeta Team change teams between player 2 (Andre Capitao) and player 3( Ricardocarvalho31) .

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cdlgdh has reacted to this post.
good afternoon. the Stars of the Persian group created the league much earlier than allowed. so much so that at 11 am in Portugal there was already a sales simulation, as shown in the image.
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Csata 12

LA penul tima legión meghívókat küld 25 perc késéssel tagunknak. (3 of us get the invite half hour earlier)

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cdlgdh has reacted to this post.

Boa noite, sou o responsável pelo grupo Renascidos das cinzas. Na batalha 29 contra o grupo Altay, nós tinhamos combinado criar a liga entre as 21:00 e as 22:00h GMT+0, mas já são 23:37h, e ainda não foi criada a liga.

Nas fotos que vou anexar, uma é da conversa contra o responsável do grupo, Warrior Male no OSM, e a segunda são as slots que ele tem neste momento.

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Halo guys, Moderator kru Italian Evolution menciptakan Pertempuran melawan Tiger Never Surrender sebelum waktu yang ditentukan.

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cdlgdh and Antonio Rigano have reacted to this post.
cdlgdhAntonio Rigano

Battle 12


La penultima Legion's manager made an instans sale

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cdlgdh has reacted to this post.

Na batalha 29, Altay contra Renascidos das cinzas, depois de mais de 24h, a liga ainda não foi criada, qual a penalização, ou será mesmo WO?

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cdlgdh has reacted to this post.

- The potential manager of the Bosnia National Team is too quick to make the league

- Nurudin Ibrahimovic

- Bosnia Natioal Team

- Battle No. 1

19.25 GMT+7 = 12.25 GMT+0


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Renato Amorim and cdlgdh have reacted to this post.
Renato Amorimcdlgdh
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