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Renato Amorim
STLB 25 - SUPER TAÇA LUSO BRASILE …  Boa tarde a todos, vamos dar início agora a GRANDE FINAL … Leia Mais
Renato Amorim
STLB 25 - SUPER TAÇA LUSO BRASILE …  Olá caros treinadores participantes da Super Taça Luso B … Leia Mais
World Crew Championship WCC 24/25*KNOCKOUT PHASE (1/8 of Finals)* • LINEUPS must be submitted vi … Leia Mais
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Lega 2 chiave a/B

ritiro usato da Nicola Giottoz (KM1) contro Kapperre10 (IMP) stessa chiave

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Renato AmorimNicolagiottoz

GROUP A/B - LIGA 4 - Day 3

TC used by KIGHINE333 ( IMP ) against KENOBY2 ( KM1 )

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  • IMG_20211025_231338.jpg
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Renato Amorim
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GROUP A/B - LIGA 1 - Day 4

Tc used by ANDREI_JARDEL ( ROM ) against EL CISSIMO ( KM1 )

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  • IMG_20211026_231836.jpg
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Renato Amorim
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GROUP A/B - LIGA 3 - Day 4 

Tc used by both managers FILASSO86 ( KM1 ) and LEUCOSTIN ( ROM )

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Renato Amorim
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GROUP A/B - LIGA 4 - Quarter finals

Tc used by both managers KENOBY2 ( KM1 ) and KIKKE TEAMS ( EMT )

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  • IMG_20211027_230725.jpg
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Renato Amorim

Quarter finals Cup  same key

Liga 2

lemnarumarius (RO MANIA) (TC) - Kapperre10 (ULTIMO IMPERO) (TC)

Liga 1

Andrei_jardel (RO MANIA) - polcombo3663 (ULTIMO IMPERO) (TC)

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Renato Amorim
Steaua4ever_79 (RO MANIA)

Allenamento a porte chiuse e ritiro usato da tutti e due i player in coppa



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Renato Amorim and Steaua4ever_79 have reacted to this post.
Renato AmorimSteaua4ever_79

GROUP A/B - LIGA 4 - Day 6

Tc used by both managers KENOBY2 ( KM1 ) and STEAUA4EVER_79 ( ROM )

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Renato AmorimSteaua4ever_79

KIGHINE333 (ULTIMO IMPERO) - Steaua4ever_79 (RO MANIA)

Same key

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Steaua4ever_79 (RO MANIA)
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