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Renato Amorim
CRB 24/CNB 24 (CAMPEONATOS REGION …mane brito  / São Paulo / Sudeste Leia Mais
Resultados da partida de futebol …Alemanha: OberligaPreußen Münster II 2 - 1 GievenbeckOberachern 2 … Leia Mais
Edu Sena
CRB 24/CNB 24 (CAMPEONATOS REGION …Mister Senna da 17/Bahia/Nordeste Leia Mais
CRB 24/CNB 24 (CAMPEONATOS REGION …Lúcio Brasil / Paraiba / Nordeste Leia Mais

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This topic is only for posting the BATTLE RESULTS of each PHASE of the World Crew Championship 2023/2024

Risultato Finale

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  • Risultato-Finale_1.jpg
Renato Amorim, Caio and Jair Martinez Pedrozo have reacted to this post.
Renato AmorimCaioJair Martinez Pedrozo

Risultato finale Kola Crews - TheDestroyers

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  • KolaCrewsVsTHD.png
Renato Amorim and Jair Martinez Pedrozo have reacted to this post.
Renato AmorimJair Martinez Pedrozo

Final result : OFM vs APE

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  • 1698615900493.jpg
Renato Amorim, Fabrice Pagnozzi and Jair Martinez Pedrozo have reacted to this post.
Renato AmorimFabrice PagnozziJair Martinez Pedrozo

La Coalición vs Gear God Crew

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  • Sin-titulo.png
Renato Amorim and Gottenks183 have reacted to this post.
Renato AmorimGottenks183

Black Warriors x Exterminadores FC I

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  • Gallery_1698613939136.jpg
Renato Amorim has reacted to this post.
Renato Amorim

Resultado final Lobos Negros vs The Alliance


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  • IMG-20231029-WA0069.jpg
Renato Amorim and Gottenks183 have reacted to this post.
Renato AmorimGottenks183

Одно место vs CF VikingSpark

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  • IMG-20231030-WA0009.jpg
Renato Amorim has reacted to this post.
Renato Amorim


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  • 6bfd8e0b-564a-4d1e-b6d5-41eb8b2244b2.jpeg
Renato Amorim, Caio and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Renato AmorimCaioGottenks183Jair Eliecer Martinez Pedrozo

Final Result Battle 6
KruPuK vs Reyes Del Olimpo

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  • WhatsApp-Image-2023-10-30-at-12.35.51.jpeg
Renato Amorim has reacted to this post.
Renato Amorim
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